onsdag 30 januari 2008

january with Berkely, Winter Formal and other fun stuff! ;)

hej dar. forlat att jag inte skrivit pa ett tag, ett javla tag, men har haft sa mycket for mig och inte riktigt kannt for att ta mig tid att skriva har... Nu ska jag iaf forsoka summera vad som hant i mitt liv den senaste manaden, haha.
Just nu ar jag forovrigt sjukerrr.. Ar val en av anledningarna att jag nu antligen tar mig tid, lol. Sitter har i soffan under en filt och pratar med Sumner, vilket kanns som jag inte gjort innan pa hela manaden sa det ar trevligt :)

Okay whatever this takes to much of an effort, and with me being sick and all im just gonna write in english. sorry all you guys that doesnt speak english, lol!

So one fun thing that has happend in this last week is Bianca moving in with her new family that lives just right alround the corner from me:D It is a really nice family and I love having her 3 minutes away from me. Dunno, just makes things way easier :)
About two weekends ago i went with Biancas hostmom, and hostsister Haley, whos 15, to drop of Biancas host brother Culter to college in Berkely! It was a really cool city, just everything about the college and the students going there. I bought myself a cute little CAL outfit and we looked in all the Vintage stores. Comming to a place like that, and seeing Culters cute little dorm, made me really feel like going to college, its something special for sure.

Last saturday we had Winter Formal. I went with a guy named Daniel, who goes to Bullard and live not to far from her. How I ended up going with him is kinda a long story, but let me just say it was not my idea, and not his :P He is really cute and nice and everything but he probabl felt akward being at a dance with people he didnt know so I guess it didnt turn out that great!
The dance was also pretty lame and wouldnt have been super super fun anywys. We left pretty early to go afterparty at his house! It was so much fun! He had all his friends from Bullard over and we had just a splendid time ;)
That night I spent the night at Biancas and I was keeping her hostsister and her best friend awake all night with my bad joks, and me cracking up! haha SO much fun!

On sunday I went with Bob to see Juno and then Bianca came over later. But we were pretty tired after the night before so ended up going to bed at like 9.

Probably a lot more things has happend to me, I just cant think of anything right now. Please comment and ask a lot of questions, I am MORE than happy to answer :) It just makes it 10 times easier to write if you guys just write a little hey! It like gives me power ;)

Now im going to get something to eat, havent had anything all day!

Talk to yalll later !! :))

1 kommentar:

Stefan sa...

Hey there,

Krya på dig Alva. Du får dina hals ? infektioner men humöret verkar dom inte ta på.

Roligt att du tycks lära känna nya människor hela tiden.